Thursday, February 01, 2007

Update on New Year's Resolutions

Well, I figure now that it's the start of Month 2 (otherwise known as February to the rest of the world) of my resolutions, I would give a quick update on how I am doing.

1. 14 week house cleaning plan - I missed 1 week due to being REALLY sick, but am on week 3 - the dining room. I have totally cleaned and de-cluttered my coat closet/half bath, and the living room. I also took a crack at the kitchen a little bit early and de-cluttered 1/2 of the pantry, 'cause I know that the kitchen week is going to be a bear!

2. Keep home running with weekly chore list - One night a couple of weeks ago I was having trouble sleeping because of all of the coughing I was doing, so from 2-3 a.m. I was downstairs creating my weekly chart. I have the laundry, the vacuuming of each area of the house divided up between the week and the big jobs (bathroom cleaning/kitchen cleaning) reserved for the weekends. I'm still working on developing this habit, but I'd give myself a C as of today.

3. 36 x 36 - I didn't actually join WW online - I decided to use that money for a different purchase (later in this post). I did however buy the WW calculator which will help in determining how many points a food items has. I haven't been as diligent about what I have been eating thus far, but I am only eating until I'm full even if it leaves food on my plate - big step there.

4. Read bible daily - I get an A+ on this one. I'm in the middle of Exodus, at the end of Matthew, and in the thick of the Psalms and Proverbs. I think that might be why this was my score on the Bible quiz:

You know the Bible 96%!

Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!

Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes

5. Go to confession once per month - okay, totally failed on this one in January. How does one go to confession when they have a 3yo, 2 yo and newborn? I know this is an excuse, but I have to figure this one out and get on track.

6. Celebrate the liturgical year with my kids - I'm such a novice at this that I feel like I need a "guide" to be able to do this. I am planning on buying CHC's A Year With God from Elizabeth, but haven't so far been able to get myself down the block to make the transaction. Another excuse, yes; one I'm planning on rectifying in the next week. I'll be better this month.

7. Exercise 30 minutes/day 3 days/week - okay, another one I haven't kept up on - or rather haven't been able to start. As I indicated a little earlier in this post I've been pretty sick this month. Starting around the 6th of January, I got very sick and have had this horrible cough that is still with me - I feel like I'm bruising my ribcage I cough so hard. So I have not exercised as of yet other than running after little people! However, I did purchase the Free Form Rebounder to add to my Pilates machine so that I can get some cardio exercise. What could be better than bouncing on a trampoline while laying down?

8. Play with my kids - Check - doing this one! Yesterday we broke out the art box that I had purchased back in the fall and we painted - Brian and Sean had SOO much fun - and so did their mommy! We've been reading a lot as well. We are currently reading "If Jesus Came to My House". It's such a nice book and we are trying to really work on the manners section together. Chris read it to the boys as one of their bed time stories the other night and came down amazed that they both sat so still during the entire book. It is so rhythmic and such a nice story. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it.

9. Get SU! business back on track - Geez, checking in on myself really shows me how poorly I am doing on these resolutions. Haven't contacted anyone yet on hosting another party. Although I did donate some of my work to my church's silent auction for the gala they are having Saturday night. I left some business cards to be out next to the card organizer so hopefully this will generate some business.

Okay, so I've done well in some areas and not so well in others. Fortunately these are yearly goals and not January's goals! Check back each month for updates. Hopefully February will be better for me in achieving all of my goals.

1 comment:

:) said...

I am at 41% which is good considering I don't read the bible at all. I took some educated guesses.