Friday, February 09, 2007

Valentine's Day Romance

My husband and I have only known each other for 6-1/2 years. Mutual friends of ours set up a meet for happy hour on June 12, 2000. They stayed for about an hour and a half and when they said they had to go, we waved the good-bye. We stayed there for a long time after they left learning all about each other. That was the beginning of this beautiful relationship.

Through these years, my husband has plied me with many romantic moments, so this is my stroll down memory lane/tribute to my honey.

  • Shortly after we met, both Chris and I had separate work trips that we had to make. I figured that I would maybe talk to this guy in a few weeks when we were both back in VA. Instead, he totally surprised me and called me almost every night from California and also from Florida where he was visiting his dad for Father's Day.
  • July 4th, 2000 - watched fireworks on the banks of the Potomac. He brought music and wine. When the cork broke, he worked diligently to get it out, and was then applauded by all of our new friends.
  • We sat talking in a hot tub gazing at the starry night up on Long Island.
  • Chris took me to Annapolis where we went on a 2-hour cruise on the Schooner Woodwind.
  • He told me he loved me for the first time on Columbus Day (which would end up being the weekend we got married the following year).
  • He spent Thanksgiving with my mom's entire extended family only a few months after we had started dating.
  • He introduced me to his brother John and his wife Becky over Thanksgiving and told me later how much he missed me when we weren't together during that weekend, which is when he decided that he didn't want to live his life without me.
  • He turned what was the worst day of my life - December 27 - into one of the happiest days of my life. I flew down to Florida to meet his family the day after Christmas 2000. On December 27th, which is the day my brother was killed 10 years previously, he took me to a beautiful dinner at Runyons, where my prom date, Joe, from high school is the manager. Afterwards, we went back to his sister's apartment where he lit candles and read me poetry and got down on his knee to ask me to spend the rest of my life with him. I told him, "Yes, a thousand times yes!". It was about an hour later when I finally saw the ring he had for me.
  • He took our pre-cana classes, and our faith very seriously.
  • He sent me roses on the morning of our wedding.
  • After our wedding when we were exchanging gifts with each other, he gave me a watch that he had given his mother and that he had gotten back after she had died. This was one of the most touching presents he has ever given me.
  • We went on the most romantic honeymoon ever. Go to Young Island if you ever get the chance - it is so worth it!
  • He supported me as I pursued my dream of becoming a teacher.
  • He has made me breakfast in bed.
  • He brushed my teeth for me when I was too sick to get out of bed.
  • He has gone to almost every single OB appointment for all 3 of our children - even the "boring" ones.
  • He has held my hand as each of our children was born.
  • He helps my parents out when they have a computer/electrical problem.
  • He is protective of my little sister Kellie - he doesn't want her to settle for some guy who isn't worthy of her.
  • He has helped each of our babies "select" just the right gift to give me after they are born.
  • When I'm tired, he takes over and lets me go lay down.
  • He cleans the kitchen.
  • He took care of everything regarding the operating of the house while I was pregnant with a kidney stone, a stent, and a whole lot of pain.
  • He bought me the most beautiful diamond and pearl earrings to thank me for being the mother of his children and for going through all of the pain of this last pregnancy.
  • He tells me and shows me he loves me every day.
This is the man I married. I may have missed some other romantic things he has done for me over the past 6-1/2 years, but I have them all in my heart, and feel so blessed that he is my Valentine every day.


:) said...

Yeah Chris is pretty cool. Can I chime in with my favorite memory of Chris (not valentine related)? I think it was the night before my mom died. He stayed with me in her room the whole night so my Dad could go home to his own bed. Both of us sat next to her on different sides of her bed as she slipped in and out of consciousness. No words were spoken. None needed to be. We were just there. She died early the next morning.

Margaret in Minnesota said...

Cindy, your husband is a true romantic! What a blessing!

Thank you for participating in the Loveliness Fair, and for sharing with us these examples of a truly beautiful union.

Charlotte (WaltzingM) said...

Thank you sharing these lovely memories. The one about the watch gave me goosebumps!

Anonymous said... met your hubby 5 days before we got married!

What a wonderful man.

Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks for sharing! I got all teary eyed just reading about your deep love for each other, which shines so beautifully through your post! You are both so blessed.

Ladybug Mommy Maria said...

Oh, that is sooooo beautiful, Cindy!